Monday, March 15, 2010

Family Pictures

There is nothing in this world that brings me more stress and anxiety than family pictures. I am not talking just my own family, but all of my Dad's decendents. Most of you know that I am the youngest of eleven children and since this may be the last chance we have to get family pictures, I decided to make it happen. I have some family in California, some in Arizona, we even had one come from Alaska. What an experience!

This was the first time in I don't even know how long that we had all the siblings together. I was so glad that everyone could make it. It was a big sacrefice for many people to make it to the pictures but I am glad they were willing to make that sacrefice. I counted last night and there was a total of 73 people that came.

Despite all the whining and complaining by many people in my family, I think all in all that it was worth the effort. I have learned many things from this experience. First, I will never do this again. Second, my siblings love my dad enough to make the sacrefice to miss work, to drive hundreds of miles. Third, this year will be the last of all our big family traditions. My dad has been the rock in our family to hold our wonderful traditions together. However, I think its time to move on. I am excited to start my own family traditions with just me and Gary and our family and hope it will bring us closer together as a family.

1 comment:

The Wettstein Family said...

Wow, that is an incredible feat!!