Monday, July 7, 2008

I feel so blessed...

Okay, so I have a tendency to get bogged down in self pity. I am fat. I have a crappy job. I feel sorry for myself alot. I don't know how much I can promise that I will change that, however, every once in a while Heavenly Father takes a moment and knocks me over the head and helps me to see the blessings I have. I have a wonderful adoring husband who just loves me for who I am. If I gain twenty pounds, don't get a tan, or let my hair just dry (which those of you who know, its Scary), my husband just loves me. He does all the dishes and cleans the kitchen and doesn't ever complain about it. I have a loving Mom and Dad. I feel like the coolest person around them. They just think I am so smart and strong. I don't really know what I have done to deserve them, but they are just perfect. I have so many more blessings. I recently got in touch with an old friend. It reminded me of the old school days. I had a good time. It was hard a lot of the times, but it was fun too. I am glad to have been raised in Perry. I feel like a better person because of it. I am blessed to be a member of the Church and glad that I had the opportunity to go on a mission. I feel like I learned so much from that. A very special big thanks to all those who have been in my life. For good or for bad, I am a very strong, happy individual who has a very wonderful life. Its hard, but great!


Anonymous said...

Good post Jennie! I sometimes feel that way too, but sometimes we just have to be knocked in the head to know we are blessed and are good people.

Arizona Manwarings said...


Sorry I have been slow to write back, but I am sooo excited to see what a wonderful life you have. It looks like you are having so much fun. As I read your blog today it reminded me of a Halloween long ago, when we listened to halloween music and laughed all night. I sure had lot of fun hanging out with you, you always made me feel like it didn't matter what the world thought as long as we were just having fun.


I promise I will do better at writing Summers are just so crazy here. But school statts soon YEA!

April said...

I needed to hear what you wrote. It made me smile, and reminded me of how there was never a time when I was with you were I was not happy! Does your husband have brothers or friend? I need a good man! Just kidding...I think I am getting closer to knowing I have a good one in my life. We NEED to all get together. You, the Manwarings, that crazy brother of yours... What a party that would be! Sure miss you!

hannah said...

You are such a beautiful, wonderful person, Jennie. You totally deserve all of your blessings: wonderful husband, beautiful home, etc. I know what you mean about having a job that you don't love-I'm right there with ya! But you have always been such a nice friend to me. Always there to give little bits of advice. I appreciate your sweet comment on my blog! The first thing I remember about you was how nice you were to me and your beautiful smile. Thanks for being such a great friend! :)

Torri P said...

Jennie, I love that post! We all should take a minute every day and realize the blessings we have instead of the things we look down on about ourselves! Thanks for that! I am so glad to have great friends both old and new as well, and I will always be glad that I have you as a friend to inspire me!

Brooke said...

Jennie I am so glad you found me! I love when I get to catch up with old friends! Looks like you have a great life too. I love all your post and am so excitied to get to keep in touch!

The Wettstein Family said...

Jennie! You are so beautiful and such a great example to me, and if you don't believe me, take a look at that picture of you and Gary kissing in front of the temple! It's no wonder your parents think your such a great person, you are!! Love you!!