Monday, January 26, 2009


I have tried to write this blog over and over again. Each time I was complaining about this or that. The more I wrote, the more selfish and awful I felt. So instead of my gripes, I am going to share with you my gratitude's:

1. My sweet husband who never complains or criticizes me or anything that I do.
2. My mom who is always there for me to cry on her shoulder.
3. My 2 best friends who are always super fun to be with.
4. My in laws. They have really accepted me for who I am and supported me thru all the tough times.
5. My dad who is always there to make me laugh. He always knows how to make me feel good.
6. My former trainer, niece, and dear friend Danette. She has always seen the potential in me and I am very grateful for her love and support.
7. My sisters who always try to make me a stronger person (I am such a baby sometimes!)
8. My nieces who think that I am the greatest thing since sliced bread.
9. My new home. It has been more work that I expected, but it is worth it.
10. My safe steady job. It seems I am always complaining about it, but I really am glad I don't have to worry about layoffs.
11. My life experiences that have made me the person I am today (good and bad).
12. My friends from my current and past wards and neighborhoods.
13. My brother, Robert, who understands me wholly.
14. My love of the gospel. Though it has been hard at times, it has always been worth it.
15. My Webelos Troop. They are all getting their Arrow of Light this week. I am so proud of them.


jen morgan said...

Hi Jennie, I found your blog through Megans, and I just wanted to say I really like this list!(especially the part about scouts, they are so lucky to have you!!) I loved reading your blog & learning more about you!!

Jess said...

Hey Jennie!
I would love to cut your hair for you. I have to work on Friday and Saturday, so could we do it Sunday afternoon around 2 or 3? Bring your picture with you, a bigger one if possible. Are we coloring too? Anyways, let me know and I guess i'll see you on Sunday.

Jess said...

So are we just going to do more blonde highlights? Just need to know in case I need to get any product. Also, I talked to LeVonne last night and she mentioned that they have church from 1:30 to 4:30 now. Are you guys going to church with them on Sunday or will you just be at the house? Let me know so I know when to come up for sure, earlier afternoon would be better if possible because I also have to cut LeVonnes hair after she gets home from church. But let me know and we'll see you guys then!

Nicole said...

I love the new hair! And as a new wolf leader I must say I am glad to know that I will be grateful for the boys too. Isn't it nice to have great in-laws? and of course your parents are awesome!