Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Randomness II

Another random post. I went swimming with the Webelos Scouts last night. What an experience. 2 scouts I have never met (and I have been in for almost a year) showed up last night. That was pretty awesome. We had a complete blast. We played ultimate in the water. That was a lot of fun. We also played 500. Okay about that, when I was a kid, we played 500 A LOT! I do not remember "dead" or "alive" or "mystery box". I guess we were just boring. All in all, I think that all the boys and leaders had a great time (and no one person drowned).

So work has been extremely slow lately. I think it has to do with the weather and the season and such, but oh my! If we don't get some business soon. I am going to have to check myself into a hospital because I just had a mental breakdown.

Finally, I am thinking about going back to school. I decided that I would like to get a degree in technical writing. Now some of you are thinking..."writing? Really? Are you sure?" but techinical writing doesn't have to be creative or sexy, it just has to be understood. And the money I can make with that degree will be prosperous I hope. So wish me luck. If I get financial aid it will be very soon that I will be going to school. If no financial aid it may never happen. PRAY FOR ME!!


The Wettstein Family said...

Good luck!! I think that's awesome. I'm so afraid to go back to school, so I'm thinking you are incredibly brave. I hope work picks up for you soon! Next time I'm in Logan we'll do lunch!

Arizona Manwarings said...

Hey good luck going back to school, I am debating that right now too.

Will you come be my webelos leader I need one and you sound like the best leader ever?

jen morgan said...

That is crazy awesome that you had new scouts show up! You are such a great scout leader, there is no way you could get me into a pool with a bunch of 10-year old boys! Haha!
Good luck on deciding about going back to school!

Brandi said...

You go girl with your schooling dreams! I know you will do great!
I have to tell you that I came across Van Morrison's Ringworm song. I laughed a bunch and had Mike listen to it also. I remember all those funny songs of his that we would listen to. Great times!

Love you!

hannah said...

Hey good luck going back to school!! You can never get too much education. :)