Monday, August 31, 2009

Have you ever...

  • felt guilty about not posting? Especially when you can't think of one thing to post about?
  • been done and settled in life, only to discover that you want to go back to school and move out of state?
  • hoped by some miricle you would inherit some great-great uncle's long lost fortune?
  • committed to not drink Diet Coke for the rest of your life only to find yourself walking to the pop machine with two quarters in your hand?
  • found yourself with a closet full of clothes and having nothing to wear?
  • felt like driving your car off a ramp just to see if it really will land and drive the same like it does in the movies?
  • wanted a house on the beach in France just so you can say you have a house on the beach in France?
  • wished personal trainers were covered by your insurance?
  • been excited to start school?
  • entered your name in for one of those home makeover shows?
  • started to read a book and decided not to finish it because you were nervous you would be disappointed by the ending?
  • wanted to attend school at Hogwarts?
  • drive a space ship like Han Solo?
  • wanted a pet Ewok?
  • screamed out loud while playing MarioKart against yourself?
  • wondered if you have what it takes?
  • said something you wish you hadn't and realizing you don't want to say it while the words are still coming out of your mouth?
  • wanted your "Single Money" back?
  • sat in a movie having to pee, but its so close to the end you try to hold it, only to discover you have like 80 scenes left?
  • hoped this post would come to an end?


Arizona Manwarings said...

so many so true!

Jess said...

your reading my mind on most of those Jennie!

jen morgan said...

yes yes no yes no yes yes no yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no, it was a great post! ;)