Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Frodo and Mordor

I know that several times before this post I have mentioned my struggles and successes with working out and weight loss. Well, today my co-workers and I ended a 3 month weight loss competition. I bet you are all dying to know how I did? Well, its a toss up--I lost a few inches, but gained a few pounds. Hello, wake up call!

If any of you ask Gary, he would tell you that I have been complaining, depressed, frustrated, and just down right discouraged when it has come to weight loss. I keep thinking of the used-to-be me that could run 10 miles, enjoy competing in a 5k, and would feel incomplete if I missed a run. Where is that girl? I miss her. I want her to come back. She was so confident and happy. She could take on the world and there wasn't anything she couldn't do. I want her and need her to come back to me. I am not going to lie and say that I am going to be successful and encouraged everyday to lose weight. There are going to be a lot of days that I am going to fail and a lot of days that I will HATE working out. But I need that bring-it-on girl to come back to me. This change is going to have to happen and happen now.

If any of you don't know, sometimes your biggest obstacles are the family members and friends who are close to you. My wonderful, sweet, amazing husband is one of those people. Gary wants me to be happy, but he also wants to cook "good" (meaning lots of butter, oil, cream and fat) food. This journey will be finding that happy medium of his cooking, my overwhelming desire to eat out everyday, and the struggle to find time to work out and exercise. There are many fitness and nutrition experts in my circle that have given me the know-how to do this and I will lean on them for support. I am relying on you, my dear friends to help me to be encouraged and strengthed. Truely, I really feel like Frodo and that this weight and unhealthy lifestyle is the Ring. I just have to find Mordor and get rid of this awful burden that has weighed me down for so long.

My goals for March:
  • Complete the 30 Day Shred DVD. Working 6 days a week, I will have finished it about the first week of April.
  • Walk 6 miles a week (just to start)
  • Eat out only 2 times this month.
  • Get 6 small meals in per day.

Stay tuned to see my daily, weekly, and monthly journey as I struggle, succeed, fail, and rejoice in my journey.


The Wettstein Family said...

I, too, have had those struggles, and my husband is so sick of hearing about it from me. Those sound like great goals, and I wish you luck!

Nicole said...

Good goals and good luck! I am struggling with the lost inches but not pounds too. My husband tells me it is because I have gained muscle ( and I have) but being 6 pounds away from my delivery weight with my last baby is a discouraging #. Especially when I calculate that # to be 19 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with her...5 YEARS AGO! And I have a vacation looming in front of me so that means eating out and no time to work out. I know if I make myself workout I am so much happier and feel better too! Even when it is not fun.